Hello, I am Philipp.
I am an entrepreneur, coach, maker and connector.
My specialty is the creation of Minimum Viable Products. With a passion for integrative product development processes and methods, I am playfully bringing a wide variety of experts to collaborate on value-creating product concepts and tangible prototypes. If you’re looking for sophisticated idea management and elegant idea validation strategies, then I can help. With an interdisciplinary background in technology, design and economics, I have an in-depth understanding of the changing paradigms of digitization. With a good pinch of visual talent, a touch of UX competence and a keen eye for markets and user needs, rapid results can be designed.
I love bringing people together, making strategies visible, building prototypes – I’m the guy for everything visual.

Private reasons brought me to the beautiful city of Bremen, where I am putting down deeper roots. Over the last two years I dived into the agriculture industry, realizing the need for immediate transformation.
The pursuit of maximum yields through intensive tillage and the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides has provided cheap, abundant food for parts of the world’s population. At the same time, however, this path has led to soil erosion, humus depletion, and an alarming decline in biodiversity. Together with climate change, we face major challenges if we do not want to permanently gamble away our most important basis of life. Let’s tackle this together.

I am a mentor for agriculture startups
I am mentoring multiple projects and founders with some of my expertise in prototyping, validation-techniques and agriculture businesses. Hit me up for a conversation.

I am cofounder of LEIHKLUB Bremen
The idea is simple: 100 people share 100 items in a library of things. I am in the making of creating a non-profit organization to make sharing in Bremen easier.

I am a former co-lead and initiator of HelloSolution.de
In the mist of eroded soil from big farming tractors plowing through our fields. HelloSolution was an incubator and seed investor organization based in Allgäu focusing on sustainable agriculture methodologies.

I am a former co-owner of J2C.de
7 Years ago I helped create J2C – Journey 2 Creation an Innovation Agency and Consultancy based in Berlin. Through entrepreneurship and with a keen focus on the human potential, we strived to evolve organizations from the inside out.

I am hobby maker, illustrator and video-creator of many lovely sideprojects
Next to my professional commitments I do other stuff. Back in the days it was graphic design. Then it was videos. Now its more physical objects.

I am initial conspirator of friedlotse.de
Think about your death for second. How do you want your loved-ones say goodbye? But first we need to break the stigma and the knowledge gap around this topic. Together with a funeral company I created this website that is purely about helping you make a choice.

I am initial co-creator of Nachhaltigkeits-Praktiker
It takes commitment and repetition to integrate new behaviors in your all day life. That’s also the case if you want to live more sustainable. Together with a Frankfurt based foundation I created a simple peer group program to become more sustainable.
I am currently in between professional commitments, but still supporting agriculture innovations and startups. I am interested about insights on soil and biodiversity. I consult on business transformation. And I am keen on connecting about weird maker projects…